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Les Mémoires
Shirley Setlech-Adkins
I just returned to Peoria from Phoenix for vacation and saw where Barb lost her battle with cancer.  I found out about her having cancer when I left Caterpillar in November of 2007.  I felt sure she would win this battle because of her positive attitude.  She was supportive of me when I went through my bout with cancer.  I am so thankful for being a survivor.   I first started working with Barb when she was a co-op from Woodruff High School.  She was always a very lovely person and a great co-worker.  Our career pathes crossed many times over the years.  I know she will be missed greatly by her childen, family and friends. 
Jennifer Wilfong

Barb, as a co-worker, was always helpful, pleasant, smiling.  So sorry to read she lost this battle to cancer.  An amazing and healthy woman, a runner, with energy, is how I will always remember her.  Many thanks to the family support for her, and the updates I just read on the Barb's Fight blog.  She was so blessed to have you in her life.


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